A pre-service teacher-child interactive learning approach for “mathematics education in early childhood”: An example model with play and movement-based activities
The purpose of this study is to research the effects of a pre-service teacher-child interactive learning approach for mathematics education in early childhood on pre-service preschool teachers and preschool children. This study is conducted in phenomenological research design based on qualitative paradigm. The study groups consist of second grade 62 pre-service preschool teachers, 12 children in the age group of four to five, and 2 preschool teachers. Interview technique was used to collect the study data and descriptive analysis technique was used to analyze the obtained data. In this context, 12 weeks play and movement-based activities, containing concepts and learning outcomes for mathematics education (in the course of mathematics education in early childhood) with pre-service teacher-child interactive learning approach, were implemented. As a result of the study, it was stated by the pre-service preschool teachers that the course carried out in this way has many contributions in terms of providing classroom management, communicating effectively with the children, preparing and applying interesting activities for mathematics education, preparing for teaching profession, and raising awareness for themselves. In this context, pre-service preschool teachers’ opinions indicated that there are some challenges faced by pre-preschool teachers with regard to finding suitable activities and applying them effectively, as well as challenges based on environment-material opportunities and time management. The opinions of preschool teachers also emphasized that these processes carried out within the scope of the course have remarkable contributions both to the pre-service preschool teachers and preschool children and to the preschool teachers themselves in their development-learning dimensions. It is considered necessary to achieve sustainable contributions in the context of pre-service teacher–child–teacher, organizing courses in preschool teaching undergraduate program so that cooperation between university and school is ensured.References
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