Cognition in 21st century skills: A mixed methods study

Cognition in 21st Century Skills


  • Paolina Seitz St. Mary's University
  • S. Laurie Hill St. Mary's University


The teaching of 21st century skills are essential for student learning in our knowledge driven society. Competencies such as critical and creative thinking and their connection with higher order cognitive processes have received attention within the educational community. Teachers are mandated to teach the content and skills reflected in provincial curriculum documents. These curriculum documents should embody the competencies that educators have identified as been important to student learning. In this mixed method convergent design study, we examine the alignment among the intended curriculum, the enacted curriculum and the assessed curriculum in a Patterns and Relations strand from the Grade 9 Mathematics Program of Studies in order to determine the extent to which teachers are teaching and assessing the competencies reflected in the curriculum documents. Results indicate that learner expectations do not clearly identify the cognitive levels and curriculum alignment of the cognitive levels is low (0.073). Recommendations include a clear connection between curriculum documents and cognitive level processes. Keywords; cognitive skills, 21st century education, mathematics education, curriculum alignment

Author Biographies

Paolina Seitz, St. Mary's University

Associate Professor Faculty Chair, Faculty of Education Canadian Education Research Association (CERA) Program Chair

S. Laurie Hill, St. Mary's University

Associate Professor Faculty of Education


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