Evaluation of project-based learning process of gifted children via reflective journals



The project-based learning approach is a learning model that encourages the active participation of gifted students, supports high-level cognitive activities, requires a wide range of tools and resources, consider academic and social skills together and emphasizes the use of technology. technology. This study is based on the learning experiences of gifted children designed with project-based approach. The study employed a holistic single-case embedded design, one of the qualitative research designs. The study group of the research consists of four gifted students in a Science and Art Center in the South Marmara Region. Criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling types, was used to determine the study group. Learning experiences of the gifted children through project-based learning approach were determined via reflective journals. The data in the reflective journals written by gifted students were given with direct quotations within the framework of the main theme and sub-themes, and inferences and interpretations were made. It was found out that gifted children have an advanced level reflective writing ability. It was also observed that participants grounded their projects with real-life problems and made inter-disciplinary connections in their reflections. Besides, bearing the character traits of gifted children, the participants effectively used higherlevel thinking skills ad cognitive strategies.

Author Biography

Derya Girgin, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Education Faculty, Special Education Department


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