Evaluation of graduate studies on values education in Turkey: A content analysis study
Evaluation of graduate studies
In this study, it is aimed to examine theses written on value education between 2009 and 2019 in terms of descriptive and methodological features. In this context, 475 theses, which were written between the relevant years and have access, were reached. Within the scope of the research, the criterion-sampling method was used while determining theses. The criteria in the study are that theses are registered in national thesis centre database of YÖK, have access permissions, should be written between 2009 and 2019, include the terms value, values, value education and its subject should be education and training. A thesis review form has been developed by the researcher. The theses examined with the help of this form were analysed with descriptive content analysis technique and presented as pivot tables containing statistics such as frequency and percentage. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the theses consisted mostly of master theses, were written in public universities and mostly by female students, and almost all of them were in Turkish. It was determined that the increase rate of the written theses and dissertations gradually increased from the year 2013, and in 2009, the number of theses increased more than six times. When the universities where theses were written were examined, it was concluded that well-established universities such as Gazi University, Necmettin Erbakan University and Atatürk University had more theses and dissertations than other universities. The written theses and dissertations were mostly carried out in the department of Turkish Education. As a method, it was determined that the most qualitative research method was adopted in the theses and dissertations, and mostly scanning patterns were used. As the data collection tool, it was concluded that document analysis and documents were preferred as the sample group and mainly statistical techniques, descriptive and content analysis were used in the analysis of the data.References
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