Investigation of gifted students’ environmental awareness
The purpose of the current study is to investigate gifted students’ environmental awareness. A total of 147 gifted students attending a Science and Arts Centre (BİLSEM) in the Central Anatolian Region in the spring term of the 2019-2020 school year participated in the current study. The data of the current study were collected by using the Environmental Awareness Scale and the collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and statistical methods based on the differences between means. As a result of the study, the participating students’ environmental awareness was found to be at the level of “Strongly agree”; that is, considerably high. The participating students’ environmental awareness was found to be varying significantly depending on gender in favour of female students. On the other hand, the participating students’ environmental awareness was found to be not varying significantly depending on the BİLSEM program attended, whether having participated in an activity related to environment and whether being interested in environmental problems. In light of the findings of the current study, it can be suggested that peer-learning environments where gifted students can reflect their environmental awareness should be created and that different activities to foster the environmental awareness of male students should be developed.References
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