Contribution of Corrective Feedback to English Language Learners’ Writing Skills Development through Workfolio Based Tasks
This study investigates the relationship between corrective feedback through workfolio based tasks and English Language learners’ writing skills development. The study was carried out with 64 B1 level students at a foundation university in the city of Ankara in Turkey. The study took thirteen weeks during which the experimental group received explicit corrective feedback on their written tasks while the control group didn’t receive any feedback. Throughout this process, participants took three progress tests. In addition to the quantitative data, qualitative data were also obtained via interviews with both instructors and participants. While the quantitative data were analyzed in independent samples t-tests through SPSS 20©, the qualitative data were interpreted on. Results from the analyses show that there is a statistically significant difference between the experimental and the control group. The study also found out that while both females and males improved their writing skills, females in the experimental group outperformed the males in the same group. Furthermore, students stated that getting corrective feedback was beneficial for them as they could learn from their mistakes and be more motivated towards the lesson. As for the instructors, they believed that corrective feedback sessions were useful for their students as they were low proficiency learners. To conclude, the results of the study show that corrective feedback does have a positive impact on improving writing skills and helps to motivate students as well.
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