Influence of Educational Leaders on Graduate Students' Perspectives and the Academic Advisement Process at a University
Influence of Educational Leaders
University leaders can support academic advising as an interactive process in which the adviser helps students set and achieve academic goals, acquire relevant information and services, and make responsible decisions consistent with their interests, goals, abilities, and degree requirements. Doctoral programs generally attract such students who are highly motivated to attain advanced degrees and who are willing to participate fully in the advisement process (Leonard, Becker & Coate, 2005). The quality of education that graduate students receive is greatly enhanced if students receive appropriate academic advising at all stages of students’ experiences in the doctoral degree program. When students receive effective advisement the retention rate is higher and students are program completers. Students need effective advising at all times being recruited, starting first when registering, at the later stages in the program, and when students are graduating and looking for a job or a career (Austin & McDaniels, 2006). This study focused on the essence of "great advisement" in meeting the individual needs of students. Second, this study further captured the views of faculty advisors and student advisees regarding their perspectives on academic advisement in the doctoral degree program at a comprehensive university.
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