Organizational policy in schools and the relation between Herzberg’s Double Factor Hygiene-Motivation Theory
Organizational policy in schools
The aim of the research is to determine the relationship between perception of teachers working in primary, secondary and high schools in the city centre of Siirt regarding organizational policy and their perception of Herzberg Double Factor Theory work motivation. The research was conducted with relational screening model. The population of the research consisted of 2051 teachers who worked in the public schools in Siirt Province during 2017-2018 academic year. The participants of the research was composed of 522 teachers who were selected by simple random sampling method. According to the findings obtained with the research, it was seen that perception of teachers was moderate in the organizational policy perception sub-dimension; it was moderate in the work motivation hygiene sub-dimension while it was high in the motivation sub-dimension. A significant difference was determined in the behaviour of the superiors and colleagues dimension of organizational policy perception according to the gender and self-interest, in the behaviour of the superiors and colleagues’ sub-dimensions according to the branch independent variable and Herzberg Double Factor work motivation hygiene sub-dimension according to the branch independent variable. A negative, low-level significant relation was found between self-interest, doing what it takes to be promoted and behaviour of the superiors and colleagues sub-dimensions which were the sub-dimension of perception of teachers related to organizational policy and Herzberg double factor work motivation hygiene and motivation sub-dimensions while a positive and medium-level significant relation was found between organization policies and their applications which were other sub-dimensions of organizational policy perception and Herzberg double factor work motivation hygiene and motivation sub-dimensions.
Keywords: Organization; organizational policy perception; motivation; Herzberg double factor Theory
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