Investigation of the Relationship Between Pre-Service Teachers' Cognitive Absorption, Academic Motivation and Chorotypes Using Structural Equation Model
Relationship Between Pre-Service Teachers' Cognitive Absorption, Academic Motivation and Chorotypes
In recent years sleep rhythm or chronotype have become one of the most studied subjects especially in psychology and educational environments. Chronotype is an important variable in interpersonal differences and it is related to psychological and physiological differences among people. There are three main chronotypes or eveningness, morningness preferences: morning, evening and composite. While a limited number of studies focused on the relationship between academic motivation and chronotype, no studies were found regarding the individuals in cognitive absorption with the internet and chronotype. In this study, the relationships among cognitive absorption, academic motivation, and chronotype were investigated and a study was conducted on a model regarding the intermediary role of chronotype. Positive relationship was found between morningness chronotype and academic motivation regarding the variables such as using information, self-transcendence and discovery. Positive relationship was determined between morningness chronotype and wonder and also the focus of attention variables of cognitive absorption; however a negative relationship was determined between composite morningness chronotype and the factors of time and pleasure. It was determined that the chronotype the individual owns has an intermediary role between cognitive absorption and academic motivation.
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