Educational beliefs and academic self-efficacy of students in formation training
Educational beliefs and academic self-efficacy
The aim of the study was to examine the educational beliefs and academic self-efficacy of the students in formation training via various variables. The participants were selected using appropriate sampling method on voluntary basis among students who had received formation training in the faculties of education, in Turkey. A total of 668 formation students (519 women (77.7%) and 179 men (22.3%) took part in the study. The educational beliefs of the participants were collected through a personal information form, Yılmaz et al. (2011) and “Educational Beliefs Scale (EİÖ) developed by Yılmaz et al. (2007) adapted by the Turkish, developed by Jerusalem and Schwarzer (1981) “Academic Self-Efficacy Scale”. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods, such as percentage and frequency were used to determine the distribution of participants' personal information, and the skew and kurtosis values of the data were checked by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine whether the data showed normal distribution. T-test, Anova test, and Tukey HSD multiple comparison test were used to determine the group of significant differences (α = 0.05). As a result, it was concluded that gender was an important variable in educational belief and academic self-efficacy perception and caused significant difference. In addition, a significant correlation between belief in education and academic self-efficacy was found.
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