An Investigation of pre-service teachers' motives for using Instagram
Pre-service teachers' motives for using Instagram
The aim of the study was to determine the motivations of pre-service teachers to use Instagram program, which is one of the common social media tools, in the context of developments in information and communication technologies in order to achieve sustainable learning and examine them according to various variables. The study was designed via descriptive survey model in the quantitative method. The population of the research consisted of pre-service teachers who pursued their education at the Faculty of Education of Siirt University in the spring term of 2018-2019 academic year. In the study, convenient sampling (easily accessible) and criterion sampling methods were utilized. In this context, 384 of the 495 scales distributed were returned and 56 of them were excluded from the research because they were not properly filled, 163 of them were excluded from the research because they did not meet the criteria; therefore, opinions of 165 pre-service teachers were included in the research and analysed. Personal demographic form and Instagram usage motivation scale were used as data collection tool of the research. The results obtained in the research showed that pre-service teachers use Instagram for social escape / relaxation and personal development / self-expression the most with respect to their motivations to use Instagram while they use it with the purpose of entertainment / habit the least. It was observed that Instagram using motivations of pre-service teachers show significant differences in different factors according to gender, age, department and daily time spent in Instagram variables. In addition, it was found out that pre-service teachers should be able to use the Instagram program, which is one of the world-renowned social networking software, for a sustainable education and training life more dynamically and effectively.
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