Examination of the students’ perception of “honor” towards women at a faculty of sports sciences (Isparta example)
Examination of the students’ perception
The purpose of the research is to create a study examination of the perceptions of honor towards women of students studying at the faculty of sports sciences. The research was conducted by scanning the model from the methods of visual research. The research universe is made up of 500 students studying at Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Sports Sciences. The sample is; 184 students who have agreed to participate voluntarily in the research from the students who make up the universe. The scale of attitude towards women, which was valid and reliabilityed by Gürsoy (2008), was used. The scale consists of a total of three dimensions and 25 items. Based on cronbach alpha reliability results of the three dimensions and scale sequestered, the validity and reliability of the scale is set to 93. The data of the research were collected using the personal information form consisting of questions containing the information about the socio-demographic characteristics of university students and the honor understanding attitude scale for women. The data was evaluated by the statistical analysis program. The normality test was conducted in order to determine whether the data were normally distributed and the total scores of the sub-dimensions included in the demographic questions and the woman's attitude scale. Since the data did not show normal distribution, multiple comparisons were examined with the Kruskal Wallis and Post-Hoc test, and the binary comparisons with the Man Whitney-U test. Significance level was taken as p <0.05. According to the findings from the data, significant difference was detected in terms of gender, family type, mother education and father education levels. No significant difference in age and place has been detected. As a result, it can be said that in the patriarchal societies, the phenomenon of honor is an obligation imposed on women, women come to mind when it comes to honor, and men are more free in many respects than women.
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