The Effects of Realistic Mathematics Education on Students’ Math Self Reports in Fifth Grades Mathematics Course


  • Sebahat YETİM KARACA Gazi University
  • Ali ÖZKAYA İstek Yeditepe College


The aim of this research is to analyze the effects of realistic mathematics education on students’ self-reports on the ‘numbers and operation’ unit of the 5th grades mathematics course. For this reason, two classes were randomly identified. After seeing that the groups were equivalent using the Achievement Test of Group Equivalency (ATGE), Achievement Test of Learning Domain (ATLD) and Mathematics Self-Report Inventory (MSRI) were applied to both groups. The application was continued for 7 weeks until the end of unit. The experimental group was learned the unit using the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) based activities. On the other hand, the control group was taught the unit using the course book suggested by the Ministry of Education. Learning area achievement test and mathematics self-report inventory were conducted again as posttests, and the results were evaluated by comparing them with the pre-test results. After this comparison, it was seen that self-reports of the students who were taught in accordance with the Realistic Mathematics Education were higher than the students who were taught by classical methods. 

Author Biography

Ali ÖZKAYA, İstek Yeditepe College

Antalya Yeditepe College


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