Self-evaluated teacher effectiveness in physical education and sports during schools closedown and emergency distance learning

Teacher effectiveness in physical education


  • Tolga Şahin Faculty of Sport Sciences, Dokuz Eylul University


This study aimed to describe the self-assessment in online physical education lessons, which stemmed from the closure of schools and mandatory distance education during the COVID-19 outbreak. The study applied the "Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire in Physical Education (SETEQ-PE)" developed by Kyrgiridis et al. and adapted to the Turkish Ektirici et al. One hundred seventy-two physical education and sports teachers who completed the questionnaire were included in the study sample. The participants were asked additional questions such as age, gender, sports-type, teaching, and schoolwork experience. They were asked about the factors related to distance education, hardware support, proficiency in technological infrastructure, and application/software. The study findings revealed that certain variables such as technological competencies, technical support provided by the school, and application/software support were influential in the participant physical education teachers' self-assessment. The findings of this study revealed that SETEQ-PE variables such as technological competencies, technical support provided by the school, and application/software support affected to PE and sports teachers' self-assessment responses. However, there were no significant differences in SETEQ-PE results accordingly synchronous or asynchronous application of the physical education lessons, gender, and age. In the continuous development of the PE and sports teacher from the standpoint of effective preparation, execution, and assessment of the lesson, the SETEQ-PE might provide as a useful guide. In addition, it may be beneficial for all those who interested in the teacher assessment and development process.


