Testing of a model on the school burnout among high school students and exploring the model’s prediction level of grade retention

Testing of a model on the school burnout


  • Zekeriya Çam Muş Alparslan University
  • Selahiddin Öğülmüş Ankara University


In this study, a model on the high school students’ school burnout was tested, and the model’s prediction of retained and promoted students was investigated. The school burnout model, in this sense, included the variables of grade point average (GPA), school burnout, perceived social support, stress, perfectionism, academic procrastination, and fear of failure. The data were collected from 1068 high school students. Causal relationships among variables tested via path analysis. Then, a quadratic discriminant analysis was conducted to investigate the extent to which school burnout, perceived social support from family and the teachers, stress, maladaptive perfectionism, academic procrastination tendency, and fear of failure variables discriminated the grade retained and promoted students. The variables that were strong in discrimination of the groups were GPA, perceived social support from family, fear of failure, maladaptive perfectionism, social support from teachers, respectively. These variables classified the 90.6% of the 340 students and 65.5% of the whole group (1068 students) correctly. In other words, the discriminant model mainly classified retained and promoted students correctly. The findings are discussed with specific respect to theoretical approaches, research findings, and culture. Based on the findings, tracked school system, psychoeducation programs that prevent school burnout were suggested in line with the students’ learning rate.


