Teachers’ and administrators’ perception about the concepts of “ethical behavior” and “attitude”
Teachers’ and Administrators’ Perception
The study attempted to assess administrations’ and teachers’ perceptions about the concept of ethical behavior and attitude. Mainly due to the study a multidimensional instrument for administrators’ and teachers’ Ethic Behaviour and Attitude Scale (EBA) was developed and validated. Through confirmatory factor analysis, EBA was validated in two dimensions: work-related flexibility and work-related pragmatism. The study adopted relational scanning model research method based on quantitative data. The participants of the study comprised 70 administrators and teachers in North Cyprus Republic who were selected using randomly sampling model. The data were collected via Ethic Behaviour and Attitude Scale and analyzed using a series of T-test and Mann Whitney-U test were conducted (ANOVA non-parametric test) to investigate variables with respect to gender, age and working experience. The results revealed that administrators’ and teachers’ perceptions about the concept of ethical behavior and attitude were high corresponding with the highest value of the scale. Meanwhile, school managers’ perceptions about ethical behavior and attitude were higher than teachers’ perceptions about ethical behavior and attitude regarding to work-related pragmatism. In addition, the results revealed that there were significant difference between administrators’ and teachers’ concerning their perceptions about the concept ethical behaviour and attitude according to their ages and working experiences accordingly, when school actors grow up their perceptions about the concept of ethical behavior and attitude increase school actors and school actors who are older than 25 ages were higher perceptions than are those who are under than 25 ages about ethical behavior and attitude.
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