An investigation of noticing skills of pre-service and in-service teachers
An investigation of noticing skills
The ability to notice is a skill that has not been adequately emphasized in the teacher training. However, teachers and pre-service teachers can develop this skill with the necessary professional development experiences. The aim of this study is to investigate the skills of teachers and pre-service teachers in the implementation process. Participants of the study, in which the case study was used, are 12 pre-service teachers studying in mathematics teaching and 3 mathematics teachers. The pre-service teachers analyzed mathematical thinking focused videos with students' problem solutions in the course they attended for 3 hours for 5 weeks. In schools, a teacher's lesson was analyzed every week. The data collection tools consist of the written opinion forms, observation notes, video recordings of lecture and follow-up meetings transcriptions. Written opinions of pre-service teachers and teachers were analyzed week by week with Van Es (2011) theoretical framework in order to determine their level of noticing. In the study, it was determined that the noticing levels of pre-service teachers improved. It was found that teachers did not make interpretations at extended level in the level of noticing. The study with its learning environment components provides important elements for future studies.
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