The effect of Covid-19 on pre-service teachers’ lifelong learning tendencies
The effect of Covid-19 on pre-service teachers
Lifelong learning has an important place is many discussions about education. Lifelong learning is seen as a supporter of education in order to meet the needs of individuals regarding their interests, curiosities and abilities, and to contribute to the development of individuals socially and professionally. In order to provide these supports, the support of formal and non-formal education institutions and all in service and out of service activities are evaluated within this scope. Individuals who want to be involved in the lifelong learning process face may difficulties. Although these problems differ in the process, the biggest problem affecting the access of the student the formal education is the Covid-19 epidemic today. In this process, individuals have gained many new habits besides being affected psychologically and they have to increase their efforts a little more. Although lifelong learning has a very comprehensive content, one of its main purposes is the personal development of students who continue the formal undergraduate program at the university. Besides the steps that the students follow their development in the normal process, it is a matter of curiosity how they followed their own development in the Covid-19 epidemic process. With this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of coronavirus (Covid-19), which is the biggest problem of today and which worries the whole world including our country, on lifelong learning tendencies. Qualitative research methods will be used in this research. The participants are undergraduate students studying at the Faculty of Education, the whole world including our country on lifelong learning tendencies. Semi-structured interview forms to be directed by researchers with 10 students. In this study, which aims to obtain in-depth information, content analysis will be used in the process of analyzing the responses which received from ten students.
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