A scale development study on teachers’ perceptions of collective efficacy in schools
A scale development study on teachers’ perceptions
We developed a scale to assess teachers’ perceptions of collective efficacy in schools. The sample consisted of 808 teachers from five public schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education, Turkey. Construct validity was determined using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The EFA results revealed a two-factor structure that accounted for 53% of the total variance. The CFA results indicated acceptable goodness of fit indices for the two-factor collective efficacy scale (CES) model. Criterion validity was determined using the scale of organizational cynicism (SOC) and the individual performance scale (IPS). The results showed that the CES was positively correlated with IPS and negatively correlated with SOC. Reliability was measured on three different samples. The CES had a Cronbach’s alpha (α: internal consistency coefficient) of .85 to .88. Reliability was also analyzed using the test-retest method. The results showed that the CES had an acceptable reliability coefficient. These results indicated that the CES was a reliable measure. The “upper and lower 27 percent rule” and corrected item-total correlation coefficients were used for item analysis. The former revealed acceptable results for all three samples, while the latter revealed significant t-test results for all items. All these results indicate that the CES is a valid and reliable measure.
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