Student-related variables and academic outcome of social science education students in the university of Calabar, Nigeria
Student-related variables and academic outcome of social science education
This study examined the influence of student-related variables like peer influence, parental income and self-esteem on the academic outcome of Social Science Education Students in the Department of Social Science Education in University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was used for the study; while the purposive sampling technique was used in selecting 150 undergraduate students for the study. A 20-item Student-Related Variables Questionnaire (SRVQ) and a 60-item Social Science Education Achievement Test (SSEAT) were used to collect data for the study. Data analysis techniques adopted were the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) and Independent t-test. The result showed that peer influence significantly relates with students’ academic outcome, and that parental income, and students’ self-esteem; significantly influence students’ academic outcome. Based on the findings, it was recommended amongst others that students should be encouraged to put in the best into their studies and avoid all forms of distractions especially associating with any group that would not enhance their academic outcome; as this might help in addressing the problem of poor academic outcome.
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