Examination of professional commitment levels of primary and secondary school teachers during Covid-19 pandemic period

Examination of professional commitment levels


  • Ömer Nayci .


In this research, it is aimed to examine the professional commitment of primary and secondary school teachers. Survey method was used in this research. The sample of the study consisted of 341 teachers working in primary and secondary schools in the center and villages of a province and district in the Southeast region in the fall term of 2020-2021. In collecting data for this study, “Scale of Commitment to Teaching Profession” and “Personal Information Form” were used. In analyzing data of this study; Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis H test and descriptive statistics were used. In accordance with the findings obtained from the research; during the Covid-19 pandemic process, it has been concluded that professional commitment of primary and secondary school teachers was high; professional commitment levels differ significantly according to gender and educational status and there is no significant difference according to the school level, professional seniority, age and marital status.


