Investigation of the relationship between prospective teachers' critical thinking dispositions and study approaches

An investigation of prospective teachers' study approaches and critical thinking


  • Dilek Yaralı dyarali


In this present research is aimed that investigate of prospective teachers' study approaches and critical thinking dispositions, and relationship within different variables such as gender, class level and program type are examined. In this research survey model was utilized. Study group of this present research were 242 prospective teachers studying at Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University. In order to collect data, the "Critical Thinking Disposition" revised by Semerci (2016) and the "Study Process" scales the validity and reliability of which were conducted by Yılmaz and Orhan (2011) were utilized. In the research, the descriptive statistics and Kruskal Wallis H test and independent samples t-test were used. Prospective teachers were found to score at "I agree" levels at the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale and "It is true of me about half the time” at the study approaches. There wasn’t significant difference between prospective teachers' both study approaches and critical thinking dispositions in according to gender variable, but there was statistically significant difference in according to class level and program type variables. In addition to, meaningful relationship was found between deep study approach and critical thinking dispositions.


