The predictive power of emotional intelligence on self-efficacy: a case of primary school teachers

The predictive power of emotional intelligence on self-efficacy


  • Ali Akdoğan Final International University


The study aimed to investigate the Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its relationship with self-efficacy among primary school teachers. The study was conducted to determine whether primary school teachers develop their EI that would increase their levels of self-efficacy. The participants of the study were composed of 118 primary school teachers. The Emotional Intelligence Scale (Göçet, 2006) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (Alpay, 2010) were used in the study. Model. The data were based on quantitative data. For the data analysis Spearman’ın Rho correlation and a series of Mann Whitney-U test and Kruskal Wallis H test (ANOVA non-parametric test) were utilized. According to results, the total EI competence score of primary school teachers were X̄= 127.87 with the highest value of 205. In addition, the self efficacy score of primary school teachers were X̄= 33.88 with the highest value of 50. Meanwhile, the results revealed that there were significant differences between primary school teachers according to their working experience (F (3, 90) = 3.319, p=.023). In order to determine differences between groups Tukey post hoc test was used. According to the results, there were significant differences between primary school teachers that are those who have 6-10 years working experience had lower self-efficacy perception (X ̅=32.40) than primary school teachers are those who have 11-15 years working experiences (X ̅=37.00). In addition, a positive correlation was not observed between the score of primary school teachers’ EI scale and general self-efficacy scale (r=.07, n=94, p=.50) thus, Simple Linear Regression analysis was not conducted in the study.


The study aimed to investigate the Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its relationship with self-efficacy among primary school teachers. The study was conducted to determine whether primary school teachers develop their EI that would increase their levels of self-efficacy. The participants of the study were composed of 118 primary school teachers. The Emotional Intelligence Scale (Göçet, 2006) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (Alpay, 2010) were used in the study. Model. The data were based on quantitative data. For the data analysis Spearman’ın Rho correlation and a series of Mann Whitney-U test and Kruskal Wallis H test (ANOVA non-parametric test) were utilized. According to results, the total EI competence score of primary school teachers were X̄= 127.87 with the highest value of 205. In addition, the self efficacy score of primary school teachers were X̄= 33.88 with the highest value of 50. Meanwhile, the results revealed that there were significant differences between primary school teachers according to their working experience (F (3, 90) = 3.319, p=.023). In order to determine differences between groups Tukey post hoc test was used. According to the results, there were significant differences between primary school teachers that are those who have 6-10 years working experience had lower self-efficacy perception (X ̅=32.40) than primary school teachers are those who have 11-15 years working experiences (X ̅=37.00). In addition, a positive correlation was not observed between the score of primary school teachers’ EI scale and general self-efficacy scale (r=.07, n=94, p=.50) thus, Simple Linear Regression analysis was not conducted in the study.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, self-efficacy, primary school, primary school teachers


© 2016 IJCI & the Authors. Published by International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (IJCI). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY-NC-ND) (,0/).



Emotional Intelligence (EI) Competence in educational organizations impacts greater emphasis on actions of teachers which is overwhelmed by having to meet the demands and expectations of a school community especially for learners. Teachers need to decision making, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management skills to achieve pedagogical effectiveness in learning environment (Coetzee


