A validity and reliability study of a nomination scale for identifying gifted children in early childhood
A validity and reliability study of a nomination scale
There are many tests to identify gifted children in the literature. It has been shown that these tests do not cover intelligence types proposed by Gardner. This study aimed to develop a measure that enables gifted children to be picked out in early childhood through the nomination of teachers. To this end, a conceptual framework was set to diagnose gifted children based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. After establishing the conceptual framework, a 64-item framework that consists of characteristics considered to belong to gifted children was designed and presented to expert opinion. In line with expert opinion, the number of items was reduced to 50. This form consisting of 50 items was administered to 365 teachers working in pre-school and primary education institutions in the city centre of Kırşehir. As a result of the data analysis, a nomination scale, the validity and reliability of which were tested was developed.
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