Developing a Curriculum for the Transition Program of Special Learners in the Philippines


  • Greg Tabios Pawilen University of the Philippines, Los Banos


This paper focuses on creating a curriculum development model and curriculum framework for the Transition Program designed for special learners with intellectual and physical disabilities. It explains the idea of a transition program in Philippine context, discusses the curriculum framework, and proposes a curriculum development model for creating a relevant and responsive transition program. The curriculum framework for the proposed Transition Program Curriculum includes five learning areas: (1) Livelihood, (2) Academic, (3) Enrichment, (4) Pre-vocational, and (5) Care. All these learning areas are designed to help and prepare Filipino learners with special education needs to be capable of engaging in entrepreneurship, pursuing further studies, or living functional lives. The curriculum development model for the Transition Program Curriculum follows a linear-cyclical procedure starting with deliberations, development of curriculum philosophy and framework, identification of programs and strategies, development of curriculum materials and instructional resources, development of assessment framework and evaluation tools, and development of curriculum policies that will guide the teachers in implementing the curriculum. This model can be used for the planning and development of special education curricula for the K to 12 basic education programs in the Philippines.

Author Biography

Greg Tabios Pawilen, University of the Philippines, Los Banos

Associate Professor

College of Human Ecology

University of the Philippines Los Banos


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