Supervision of trade skills and effectiveness of entrepreneurship programme in universities in Cross River State, Nigeria
Trade skills and effectiveness of entrepreneurship programme
The study investigated supervision of trade skills and effectiveness of entrepreneurship programme in universities in Cross River State, Nigeria. Two research questions were raised and two null hypotheses were stated. Survey research design was adopted for this study and a sample of 241 students (130 male and 111 female) were randomly selected for the study. Data were collected using “Supervision of Trade Skills and Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Programmes Questionnaire” (STSEEPQ) designed by the researcher. The face validity of the instrument was determined by experts in home Economics while the reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha reliability method which gave a reliability coefficient of .74 to .83. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics and One-way Analysis of Variance tested at .05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that supervision of bead and hat-making, and cloth making had significant positive influence on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship programme in universities in Cross River State. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that, the supervisors should provide skills needed for opportunity and exploitation in bead and hat-making as well as in cloth making for the students and assist the students with the required skills to enable them write a good business plan.
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