The importance of using real objects for teaching and learning a mathematical concepts with pre-service teachers of mathematics

Using real objects for teaching and learning a mathematical concepts


  • Emmanuel Deogratias University of Dodoma


This paper addresses the ways that real objects are important for conceptual development and understanding of pi. While using real objects in teaching and learning pi with nine university pre-service teachers (PSTs), the teaching and learning processes were framed under the lens of social constructivist perspective (Vygotsky, 1978). Individual PSTs constructed mathematics and elaborated their understanding of mathematics through social interactions with more knowledgeable others. It was found that PSTs: learned mathematics by doing, interpreted a concept in multiple ways, learned mathematics relationally, learned how to develop the meaning of pi and its value, and real objects helped PSTs eliminate systematic errors.The findings have implications in teaching and learning mathematics, including PSTs can learn how to use real objects in teaching and learning mathematics in their own classrooms.

Keywords: , real objects, teaching and learning mathematics



Author Biography

Emmanuel Deogratias, University of Dodoma

Doctor of Education in Mathematics Education, Department of Mathematics and Statistics


