Gifted and talented youth leadership, perfectionism, and lifelong learning

Leadership, perfectionism, and lifelong learning


  • Miray Dağyar Akdeniz University
  • Gamze Kasalak Akdeniz University
  • Gülnur Özbek Akdeniz University


The aim of this study is to determine to what extent perfectionist traits, lifelong learning skills and demographic characteristics that are believed to affect youth leadership qualities, predict youth leadership qualities. The study group consisted of 115 gifted and talented students who attended the “project production and management” program in the Central Science and Arts Center in Turkey. A personal information form, the Youth Leadership Qualities Scale, the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale and the Lifelong Learning Scale were used as data collection tools. The results of the study are as follows: It was determined that youth leadership qualities and lifelong learning skills of gifted and talented students were high and that their perfectionism traits were at medium level. It was determined that the leadership characteristics of young people differed according to gender, type of school, and chairmanship in a team/club. When the demographic characteristics and self-oriented perfectionism were controlled, the lifelong learning variables explained 42.4% of the variance of the youth leadership qualities variable. As a result, it can be said that leadership is important in the growth of adolescents. Increased lifelong learning skills during adolescence can strengthen leadership qualities and skills and be a catalyst for advancing adulthood. It can be suggested that students who want to gain leadership qualities are supported to access different opportunities in the school environment, are provided with the opportunity to chair a group, and are encouraged to have lifelong learning skills.


