The determinants of Enneagram personality: horoscopes vs. parental attitude

Enneagram personality, horoscopes, parental attitude


  • Ismail Yelpaze Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi


The best way to learn how people will behave in what situation, their interests and abilities is to learn about their personalities. Personality is a stable structure specific to the individual that is formed by being influenced by many factors. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between Enneagram personality traits, gender, university department, horoscopes, and parental attitude. The sample of the study consists of 202 university students who were selected through convenience sampling. The data were collected by Enneagram Personality Traits and Perceived Parental Attitudes scales. In the analysis of the data, parametric tests were performed in cases with normal distribution and in cases where the number of samples was sufficient, and non-parametric analyzes were performed in places where the sample number was low. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the perfectionist and peacemaker characteristics of the male students were higher. It was found that personality traits do not differ in terms of horoscopes; warmth parental attitude is related to many personality traits, whereas rejecting parental attitude is not related to any personality traits. Parental attitude is important in personality formation, so awareness of parenting should be given to parents. The influence of the horoscopes on the personality remains uncertain. The fact that men are more perfectionists can be explained by gender roles, but the reason why they are more peacemakers can be investigated.


