Sustainable graphic design in educational environments
Sustainable graphic design
The human life process includes a great consumption cycle. In order to survive, to learn, to shelter and to live within the framework of a standard, people are in a constant state of consumption. Undoubtedly, human beings, who are also productive beings, have to pay attention to their consumption in order to leave the world they live in in a more livable condition for future generations. Otherwise, the deterioration of the vital balance of the earth brings with it the deterioration of ecology, the environment and human health. The concept of sustainability refers to the efforts to provide the ability to be continuous in the world we live in as well as the material produced. In addition to being a concept that should be the basic philosophy in many fields and disciplines, the common denominator of these fields is the sustainability of the world we live in. One of the fields that play the most active role in the construction of a sustainable world is the field of design. The field of design has a wide framework. In this study, the subject of sustainability in graphic design, which is one of the branches of the design field has been investigated. Sustainable design with its simple definition is the process of designing economic, ecological, sustainable objects and materials. In today's world where consumption is very fast, almost everything is consumed rapidly, outdated and information is getting old quickly, design has a major responsibility in the name of sustainability, but on the other hand, technological developments make sustainable designs possible. Sustainable designs enable the designer to create solutions that create value not only for today but also for the future by making the design process long-term.
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