Preparing highly qualified pre-school teacher candidates in the light of total quality management
Pre-school teacher education in the light of total quality management
This research aimed to determine teacher qualification requirements of pre-schools implementing national and international pre-school programs in Turkey. Data were obtained from job vacancy advertisements of preschools published on the most popular job search sites, on the websites of pre-schools, and in newspapers. A total of 237 pre-school teacher job vacancy advertisements were collected between August 2020-May 2021 and analyzed with the Document Analysis method. Teacher qualification requirements of the pre-schools were categorized as socio-demographic features, duration of teaching experience, education level, soft and hard skills. Research data may shed light on educational faculties in process of updating and improving their pre-school teaching undergraduate programs. Also, pre-school teachers and candidate teachers can evaluate themselves based on the requirements of pre-schools, see their strong and weak points, and try to improve their weak points to become qualified teachers highly sought by all pre-schools. It is highly recommended to do similar research in other countries to empower future teachers.
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