Power-center forming games behaviors of school principals: Mixed method research
Power-center forming games behaviors
The aim of the research is to examine power-center forming games behaviors of the school principals according to view of the teachers. In the research a mixed type was preferred and descriptive sequential pattern was used. The population of the research has consisted of teachers working in kindergarten, primary schools, middle schools and high schools in Onikişubat and Dulkadiroğlu districts of Kahramanmaraş in 2020-2021 academic years. In the quantitative dimension of the research, simple random sampling method was used as sample and consisted of 553 teachers. In the qualitative dimension of the research, purposeful sampling method was used and consisted of 16 teachers who attended quantitative dimension. After the collection and analysis of quantitative data in the research; qualitative data were collected and analyzed. The obtained data were analyzed by passing through the appropriate quantitative and qualitative statistical protocol for research. According to the obtained results based on the research data; In the quantitative dimension, it has been determined that the behavior of the School Principals on forming Power Center Games is at a moderate level according to the views of the teachers. While it was determined that a meaningful difference in the several of ‘’gender, branch, type of school’’, it was seen that there was not a meaningful difference according to several of ‘’service life and unionizing’’. In the qualitive dimension, it was determined that school principals used power-center forming games behaviors higher-up in the interview made with teachers. It has been observed that while the school principals exhibit the behaviors of "bossing, expertise, empire and budgeting" games more than the behaviors of Power Center Games, they rarely prefer the behaviors of "sponsorship and alliance building" games.
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