Primary school students' views on online education
Students' views on online education
After the global pandemic, it seems that solutions found during the period have made people accept the idea that the school is not confined to four walls and that teaching services can be carried out in every environment. Identification of the problems related to this new teaching method, which is particularly unfamiliar to primary school students, and its positive aspects, will help education stakeholders to be informed about the points to be considered in their work with students with similar or newer education-teaching methods and in environments that might be adopted soon. The aim of this research is to examine the distance education activities of the 4th grade students studying in public primary schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education of Turkey during the global pandemic period and their views on the problems they experience in this process in two different socio-economic environments. The research design is qualitative and phenomenological. Qualitative interview method was adopted while taking opinions of the students. A structured interview form was used while collecting the data. Study group of the research consists of 8 4th grade students who receives online education in primary schools in Antalya. In the analysis of the data, descriptive analysis method was preferred. Of the negative aspects recorded in the research, technology-related ones are prominent. It was found that internet connection problems for online education were on top of the ones faced by students.
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