Factors affecting the behaviors of teachers towards technology integration teaching via distance education during COVID-19 pandemic: A path analysis
Behaviors of teachers towards technology integration
In the current study, path analysis technique was applied to explain the possible causal relations between attitude towards distance education, interest in educational technologies, instructional technologies outcome expectation, intention to use educational technologies and technology integration self-efficacy variables. According to the data obtained, it was determined that attitude towards distance education variable suggested by the researcher did not contribute to the modified version of Social Cognitive Career Theory by Şahin (2008), which was determined to be a relatively better model in the current study. It is seen that the correlations of the variables in the research model vary between 0.103 and 0.773, and all of them are statistically significant and positive. In the current study, that technology integration self-efficacy variable interpreted 38% of the change in instructional technologies outcome expectation variable; 11% of the change in interest in educational technologies variable is explained by technology integration self-efficacy and instructional technology outcome expectation variables; intention to use educational technologies variable is both directly and indirectly affected by interest in educational technologies, instructional technologies outcome expectation and technology integration self-efficacy variables and technology integration self-efficacy variable explained 38% of the change in the instructional technologies outcome expectation variable were also determined.
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