Examining the factors affecting Turkey's 4th grade mathematics achievement according to Timms 2019 final report
The factors affecting Turkey's 4th grade mathematics achievement
With scientific and technological development, mathematics is becoming more and more important in all aspects of life. Starting from the basic education level, mathematics education must be made more effective and efficient to produce people who can meet the social demands of our time. In this respect, international comparative examinations are considered important to monitor the current situation and allow comparison with previous examinations and compare the current situation with that of other countries. This study aims to investigate and evaluate the factors affecting mathematics achievement in 4th-grade in Turkey in TIMSS 2019 results. The study was conducted using the qualitative research method. In the research, which was designed according to the principle of case study, the data were obtained from the TIMSS 2019 international report. Because economic resources and attitudes are important to mathematics learning and success in this area, related issues were explored in the study. The headings related to home resources for learning, income levels, impairment due to lack of resources in schools, students' preference for learning mathematics, and self-confidence were included. The data obtained according to the given themes were analyzed descriptively. As a result of the study, it was found that reading habits affect mathematics achievement, problems arising from socioeconomic differences and income inequality, and effective use of instructional resources affect mathematics achievement.
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