Professional competencies of teacher candidates: Personal SWOT analyzes sample
Professional competencies
The aim of this research is to examine personal SWOT analyzes of teacher candidates within the scope of professional competencies. Qualitative research approach was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 49 teacher candidates selected by the easily accessible case sampling method. The data of the research were obtained with the semi-structured “Semi-Structured Interview Form on Personal SWOT Analyzes”. Content analysis was used to analyze the data obtained from the opinions of the teacher candidates. As results of the research; it was seen that teacher candidates said 31 strengths. The most repeated category is “to have a strong communication” and the least repeated categories are “to be humanist”, “to have numerical intelligence” and “to be hygienic”. As a result of the content analysis, it was seen that teacher candidates said 24 weaknesses. The most repeated category is “to be emotional” and the least repeated categories are “to be impulsive, to see every child the same, to be panic, to speak in a low voice, bad handwriting, lack of persuasion ability, lack of attention, to be lonely, to spend to much time on social media”. As a result of the content analysis, it was seen that teacher candidates said 16 opportunities. The most repeated category is “opportunities of university” and the least repeated categories are “effective lessons in faculty, new regulations in the field of education, opportunity to go abroad, to be away from family, to have a good family, socioeconomic status of family”. As a result of the content analysis, it was seen that teacher candidates said 21 threats. The most repeated category is “talented competitors” and the least repeated categories are “stress, lack of technology knowledge, interpersonal relations, exam oriented education system, inequality of opportunity”.
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