Examination of the teachers’ academic optimism approaches within the framework of teachers’ perceptions of learning school

Teachers’ academic optimism


  • Tugba Konaklı Assoc. prof.
  • Ezgi Uysal Başiskele Kindergarten


The aim of this study is to determine teachers' academic optimism approaches and learning school perception levels and to examine the relationship between these variables. The sample of the research designed in the relational model consists of 389 teachers selected by cluster sampling method, working in public secondary and high schools in Kocaeli province Izmit district in the 2019-2020 academic year. “School Academic Optimism Scale” and “Learning School Scale” were used in the study. By checking the compliance of the data with normal distribution, t test and one-way ANOVA tests were applied, Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for the correlation between the variables, simple linear regression analysis and then multiple linear regression analyzes were performed to examine the influence of the predictor variables on the predicted variable. It was seen that academic emphasis and trust are at the forefront of teachers' approaches to academic optimism, while personal dominance and team learning dimensions were at the forefront in their perception of learning school. A positive relationship was found between teachers' approaches to academic optimism and learning school perceptions. It was determined that the sub-factors of the learning school were significant predictors of academic optimism. Teachers' mental models were the sub-factors that affected academic optimism the most.

Author Biography

Ezgi Uysal, Başiskele Kindergarten

The aim of this study is to determine teachers' academic optimism approaches and learning school perception levels and to examine the relationship between these variables. The sample of the research designed in the relational model consists of 389 teachers selected by cluster sampling method, working in public secondary and high schools in Kocaeli province Izmit district in the 2019-2020 academic year. “School Academic Optimism Scale” and “Learning School Scale” were used in the study. By checking the compliance of the data with normal distribution, t test and one-way ANOVA tests were applied, Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for the correlation between the variables, simple linear regression analysis and then multiple linear regression analyzes were performed to examine the influence of the predictor variables on the predicted variable. It was seen that academic emphasis and trust are at the forefront of teachers' approaches to academic optimism, while personal dominance and team learning dimensions were at the forefront in their perception of learning school. A positive relationship was found between teachers' approaches to academic optimism and learning school perceptions. It was determined that the sub-factors of the learning school were significant predictors of academic optimism. Teachers' mental models were the sub-factors that affected academic optimism the most.


