Problems confronted by Turkish teachers and principals working at Temporary Education Centers (TECs)

Problems confronted in Temporary Education Centers


  • Kübra Yenel Gazi University


The purpose of this study is to determine the difficulties in professional development and professional needs of Turkish teachers at Temporary Education Centers (TECs), difficulties confronted by them during educational and instructional processes, their working conditions and difficulties confronted in the administration of Temporary Education Centers (TECs) according to the opinions of Turkish teachers and Temporary Education Centers (TECs) principals. Qualitative research methods and techniques are used in this study. From the qualitative research designs, a case study is conducted. The participants of the study consist of seven Turkish teachers and two Temporary Education Center (TEC) vice-principals and a TEC principal working at a TEC in Ankara. Data is collected in-depth, and multiple sources of information are consulted. Data of the study is collected through interviews and observations, and this data is analyzed by using content analysis. As a result, according to the participant ideas, three main problem areas at TECs are determined as professional development, education-training process and working conditions.


