An investigation of distance education experiences of social studies teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic period: A phenomenological analysis

Distance education experiences of social studies teachers


  • Tevfik Palaz tevfikpalaz


In this research, it was aimed to investigate how social studies teachers were engaged in distance education and training activities during the COVID-19 pandemic period. In the study, phenomenology pattern of the qualitative research method was adopted. The participants were selected using purposive sampling method and were composed of 15 social studies teachers (9 males and 6 females) working in Mamak and Sincan districts of Ankara in the 2021-2022 school year. As a data collection tool, a semi-structured interview form develped by the researcher based on the relevant literature and expert opinions was used. The data were analyzed via content analysis. The results of the research revealed that the technological problems had an important place among the experiences of the teachers and the most important reason for the students' inability to access distance education activities was their low socio-economic level.


