Secondary school students’ views on geometry teaching with three-dimensional dynamic geometry software Cabri 3D: solid volume measurement
Geometry teaching via three-dimensional dynamic geometry software
This study examined students' views on geometry teaching via three-dimensional dynamic geometry software Cabri 3D. Teaching designed with Cabri 3D for solids volume measurement was implemented for 16 students in the eighth grade from a public secondary school in Turkey. The data obtained from the interviews with the students about the teaching, which is two lesson hours per week in five weeks, were categorized into the learning environment, learning, and attitude. The students' views were explained and interpreted according to these categories. The results were supported by sections taken from the worksheets, adhering to the nature of the data. Students stated that Cabri 3D is a functional learning tool that encourages interaction by facilitating drawings and measurements. However, they emphasized that individualized teaching is more suitable for Cabri 3D as group work distracts them. Besides, the students stated that Cabri 3D supports the connection of geometric knowledge about solids volume measurement with daily life by contributing to conceptual and permanent learning. Finally, Cabri 3D had a positive effect on the beliefs and self-confidence of students in measuring the volume of solids.
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