The mediating role of interpersonal communication in the relationship between gratitude and altruism levels of teacher canidates
Gratitude and altruism levels of teacher canidates
The study explored the relationship between teacher candidates’ gratitude and altruism levels and the mediating role of interpersonal communication in this relationship. In the study, correlational survey design, a quantitative research designs, was employed. The study group was made up of 376 teacher candidates (53% female and 47% male) at Erzurum Atatürk University Faculty of Education. The data were collected via Personal Information Form developed by the researcher, Gratitude Scale, developed by Başerer Berber (2021), Altruism Scale, developed by Ümmet, Ekşi, and Otar (2013), and Obstacles in Interpersonal Communication Scale, Developed by Başerer, Başerer, and Demirkaya (2016). The data were analyzed using the SPSS-21 package program. In the study, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were calculated in order to determine the relationships between variables, and simple and multiple regression analyses were performed to examine the prediction status. The study findings put forth positive significant relationships between the variables. In addition, interpersonal communications were found to partially play a mediating role in the relationship between teacher candidates’ gratitude and altruism levels.
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